
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holiday Season

Just wanted to pop in to give a quick status update as I've been rather negligent lately on the blog post front. It's been a busy year in terms of preparing for the holidays. I'm not exactly certain why, but it feels like I've done a lot more shopping this year than for Christmases past.

So I sat for the JLPT N1 at the beginning of the month. It was a little rough. I felt like my reading ability has improved comprehension-wise, but I ran out of time before I could finish the section. Guess I need more speed and endurance on that end. Given that I'm shifting to IT study mode, I'm not sure if I'll be working to take it again next year; will have to wait and see on that. I'll just need to be mindful about putting in enough time with Japanese media to make sure I don't lose what gains I've made.

I wish I could guarantee a lot more posts for the second half of this month, but what with Dragon Age Inquisition and Fantasy Life almost certain to come my way for Christmas, plus Suikoden and Suikoden II on my plate...well, it doesn't look too good, I'll be honest. That said, 2.0 of Ambition of the Slimes was released the other day, so I'll try to update the guide soon.

Anyway, that's it for now. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all!

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