
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Just Another Week in Japan: Summer's Here

According to the traditional Japanese calendar, May 6th was 立夏 (rikka; first day of summer). Always seems a little odd to me, as in America we don't really consider it summer until June-ish. Was still pretty chilly a week or two ago!

This week was also Golden Week, a period of three back-to-back national holidays. Some years this creates a super-long holiday weekend, but 2011's GW happened to be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Accordingly, I relaxed and didn't get a whole lot done (though Yoshie visited, so no regrets).

It's been a light week here at JADJ, but it's time to get back into things. I was contacted about contributing to the second edition of a book about expatriating from America; more details on that as it gets closer to materializing. I'll be working on that this week and getting my act together here. Though if I am a little slow, please be patient with me - the weather is gorgeous right now, and I expect only a little of this before the rainy season sets in.

Japanese Study


  • Like Melon? Like Kit Kats? SHAFT is having a free giveaway. All you have to do it drop a comment.

That about does it for this week. Those of you in Japan, enjoy the remainder of your holiday.

If you have any other notable links from this week, post'em in the comments!


  1. Hot, sunny days already in Japan?

    It's really hot too here, after weeks and weeks of rain. Too hot for me!

  2. I hear ya, Lina. Pretty soon it'll be too hot here, too.

  3. Tomorrow's supposed to be 27 degrees here.

    I find it interesting how people will say it's already autumn in August. It's based on the Chinese calendar.

  4. Yay, thanks for the link love! Rockin'! :D

    It's been super gorgeous here too--I hope it stays like this for a little while, at least!

  5. Jay Dee - Yeah, what the hell? Their changing of the seasons doesn't really correspond to the changing of the temperature...though I have to admit it does feel like the start of summer.

    Alice - No thanks necessary. Just keep the good content coming. ;)
