
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just Another Week in Japan: Party Time

So ends the third week of May, 2011. Today I'm hosting a house party, so let's cut to the chase!

Here are my highlights for this week:

Life in Japan

There was an article at the Japan Times Online this week about how comparing culinary preferences isn't the best way to draw cultural lines . But try explaining that next time you're asked if you like sushi or natto!

On a very similar note, Jay Dee in Japan wrote about answering some of the common (mis)conceptions that he still encounters after six years in Japan. It's true - in the West many people do know how to use chopsticks!

There was an article and some lively comments at Super Happy Awesome Fun Time about holograms. More specifically about how musical holograms are being used at concerts in recent years.

I wrote a piece this week about the special attachment that Japanese society seems to have to high school culture. Some great comments, too!

Japanese Study

Moji Maki featured a post about a nice resource for using Japanese music as a study tool.

For this month's Japan Blog Matsuri, Joe wrote a great post on his experience studying kanji using Heisig's Remembering the Kanji.

If you've ever had trouble remembering the proper Japanese spelling of "Konnichiwa," look no further than this post, and remember forever. FOR-EV-ER.


Another piece by Coppyblogger - some tips on how to write high-quality content fast.

No, this picture doesn't really have anything to do with anything.

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