
Friday, May 13, 2011

Friendship Friday: This Japanese Life

Edit: This was scheduled for yesterday, but looks like Blogger had some trouble...

This week's feature is This Japanese Life, a blog about (you guessed it) life in Japan.


This Japanese Life, founded and maintained by fellow JET member and American Eryk, presents a variety of experiences and elements of life in Japan that may not be so widely known outside the expat community. The blog has been up and running for almost a year now, so there are a number of articles ready for your perusal.

Why I like it

The first TJL post that I happened upon a few months ago was about an unlikely Japanese Arcade game, Flip the Dinner Table. If there's any one trick for getting me hooked on your blog, take note of this - Japan? Weird video games?! All right, I'm there! Been following TLJ ever since.

Although new posts are not always frequent, articles are well thought out and written, and combine interesting tidbits and analyses with a good sense of humor.

Here are a few sample posts:

So once again, I recommend checking out This Japanese Life. Happy Friendship Friday!


  1. One of my favorites! I always get a good laugh when reading one of his posts :)

  2. Umm, nice stuff.

    But the layout is odd, on a blogger blog I'd expect the comments form to be at the bottom....

  3. Alice - Yup, me too.

    Sandra - Thanks for commenting! I think his blog is Word Press.

  4. Nope, it's blogger. Look at the url for this pop-up window.

  5. Damn you Contamination! Too fast for me.

    Yep, I said it was blogger. It's just a masked domain, loads of them about.

  6. Sorry for the confusion - clicking on the picture doesn't take you to his website, just enlarges the picture. Since my blog is hosted by blogger, that image url has a blogger url.

  7. If he does indeed use blogger, though, I wanna know how to get a comment form like he uses.

  8. The bottom of his page says he uses a Word Press theme.

  9. Oh, you guys mean this blog! The comments form is at the bottom if you are viewing the individual post.

  10. Did you fill out his comments form and ask him??

    BTW, congrats - you seem to have picked up a lot of followers recently.

  11. Thanks. Yeah, picking up a little recently.

    I'm a little lost on the whole comment form thing, I think.

  12. I like his blog, too! Also love the blog banner :-D

    And I think it's hilarious how 'weird video games' is what drew you in! lol.

  13. Yeah, the banner is pretty unique!

    We all have our things, aye? =)
    Have thought about starting a video games blog on the side but don't think I have the energy to dedicate to another blog.

    Thanks again for commenting, Kaori!

  14. Yeah, this blog.

    Usually the comment link is at the bottom of the post, so you read the post 1st and then click to leave a comment.

  15. Ah, I see. Yeah, not sure what to say - has just always been part of this template, though I'd like to have it on the bottom.

    The comment form is at the bottom when viewing individual posts, though.
