
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Old Japanese chocolate commercial

Man...the video looks old as you'd expect, but I think the music is what really dates it.


  1. That's so old school haha I think the way the Ghana bars are packaged also tells the date. Thanks for sharing this video by the way.

  2. Yeah, pretty different, huh? Thanks Rene!

  3. I miss chocolate.

    Diets have their cost in happiness. I just gotta wait till swimming time to get my reward!

  4. I think I'm gonna get a bar afterwards. Diet be damned. XD

  5. Yes, chocolate is one of the few sweets I can convince myself isn't too unhealthy for me, considering some of the heath benefits that have been linked to it in recent years (to dark chocolate anyway). Still, in light of my recent cavities I've decided to cut back on sugar. Already stopped drinking soda.

    Unless you're on a strict diet for hardcore weight loss or muscle gain, like Chris, I think it's ok to allow yourself a treat now and then.

  6. The hair/outfits are pretty awesomely retro too. I love that apparently Japanese commercials have always been kind of insane!

  7. And also the fact that the chocolate costs only 30-100 yen! Very retro.

  8. Alice - Haha, right?

    Kaori - Yes, good point! That one didn't even occur to me. Though you can still get a bar of chocolate at the grocery for about 80 yen if it's on sale (about 100 normally), which I guess shows the price of chocolate has been slow to change.
