
Monday, July 12, 2010

Just another picture of the day 7/12/10: English

You know, most J-blogs at least periodically feature photos of "Engrish" found around Japan. This one is no exception. But you know, as prevalent as it is, "Engrish" is a lot lesson common than perfectly fine, plain old understandable English. Of course no one blogs about it because that's boring. But I just thought it was worth noting. Here's a sign that I saw in a bar I visited in Saga recently. I liked the English.


  1. Just found your blog and will be adding it to my RSS feed. Good work fellow J-Blogger!

  2. Hey, not only is the grammar correct, but it's damn good advice, too! :D

  3. What heart-warming Engrish. What is 'lesson common' I wonder? American English?

  4. That's a good English phrase for anywhere.

  5. Chris - Thanks for stopping by and the comment!

    Xamuel - Yeah, was a fun bar, so easy advice to follow. Friendly staff.

    G Dawg - Heh...oops. That's ironic, huh?

    Tornadoes - Sure is. Positivity, huh?

  6. I'd have to disagree that normal English is more common than goofy English in Japan. In fact I would say it is almost never correct. Or, if correct, at least sounds strange and unnatural. Still, I always enjoy it immensely. Like Round 1 bowling for example: "Breaking down the pins and get hot communication."

  7. Hey Joe,

    Sure there is plenty of strange and funny English. But for example if you go to a restaurant with an English menu, most of the time there will be one or two awkward or strange phrasings for every page of normalcy.

    I'm just willing to bet that if you were to make a conscious effort to compare and you looked at signs, labels, etc. in Japan containing English, you'd encounter more mundane English than "Engrish."

  8. The hole Engrish thing is not entirely unlike shooting fish in a barrel if you ask me...

  9. Aptly put. Like fish in a ballel.
