
Friday, March 26, 2010

Let's enjoy Japanese: Do it up!

*Updated - apparently ~とく is equivalent to ~ておく。See below for further explanation.

This one is a little wobbly, so bear with me. Those of you with extensive Japanese experience please feel free to comment on this one.


So there's someone I've been talking to a lot recently who sometimes uses a grammar pattern I had never noticed before. It seems to add a degree of enthusiasm to a verb. I am referring to ~とく. To put this bad boy to use, you take the ~て form stem of a verb and add とく. And that seems to be it.

If I understand this correctly, しとく, therefore, would mean something along the lines of "Do it up." It seems difficult to translate into English with most verbs.

Example: わぁ、疲れた!今夜寝とくよ!
"Man, I'm beat! Tonight I'm gonna sleep like a champ!"



Anyway, I have never come across this grammar pattern in any textbooks or online resources, but I'm sure it must be somewhere. What little I do know I learned from a friend of mine who was kind enough to try and explain. So again, if anyone has any corrections or additional thoughts, please leave a comment. I'd be interested to learn more about this form.


*Update: A clarification from Bryce -

「〜とく」is just a shortened version of 「〜ておく」(to do something in advance or in anticipation of something).

(slang) 明後日はテストだから勉強しとこう。

(proper Japanese) 明後日はテストですので勉強しておきましょう。

"Just to let you know, I'm planning to call it a night after I have one drink."


  1. 「〜とく」is just a shortened version of 「〜ておく」(to do something in advance or in anticipation of something).

    (slang) 明後日はテストだから勉強しとこう。

    (proper Japanese) 明後日はテストですので勉強しておきましょう。

    "Just to let you know, I'm planning to call it a night after I have one drink."

  2. Ahhh, I see. Thanks, Bryce - handy to know.
